Mo Gawdat

Atmospheric portrait of Mo Gawdat

This first portrait captures Mo Gawdat in a more pensive mood, but trust me, he's one of the warmest, smiliest souls you'll ever meet (see portraits 2&3 for proof!).

If you're familiar with Mo's life story, you'll understand why I was drawn to illustrating his leaving the darkness for the light.

The former chief business officer for Google X - one of the most prominent voices in the AI space and just an all-around wonderful human. Mo has been through some extremely challenging personal experiences but has made happiness his life's work. He has dived deep into the subject, conversing with wise minds on his podcast Slo Mo and created a thought-provoking course with BBC Maestro titled 'Happiness'.

I am a big fan of his books; it was a complete pleasure to meet and photograph Mo. πŸ“Έβœ¨

Mo Gawdat sat at a chair in a light and open room
Mo Gawdat with a big smile on his face

Rise Of The Machines


Chantal Lyons / Groundbreakers